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5 Essential Protocols for Real Estate Management

5 Essential Protocols for Real Estate Management

When we talk about business protocol, we are talking about a series of internal rules of conduct that are applied in an organization depending on each context in which it operates.


The main characteristics of the business protocol are Accessibility, Obligatory and Flexibility. The purpose of the business protocol is to create a uniform corporate image and establish rules of conduct within the company itself, as well as with other stakeholders. If we do not establish certain processes, it will be impossible for us to establish quality standards, measure results, detect needs or areas for improvement. and of course, establish realistic, measurable, concrete objectives adjusted to the real needs of the business.


It is advisable to make the protocol in a simple and easily understandable language – in order to avoid confusion in its application – and to describe each step in detail, no matter how obvious a step or clarification may seem obvious. It is important to think about how a person who knew nothing about the subject would understand it. Without limits, but with a certain precision, at Grupo Habitazone we want you to know the 5 protocols that cannot be missing in your real estate agency.


Contact protocol, this is the starting point of real estate activity, therefore, it is necessary to define how, when and in what way this contact is going to take place and what our response must be in time, form and content. We recommend making a flow chart in which each of these elements appears, taking into account the analysis of the competition and the creation of their own know-how or what we want to contribute to our quality of service.


Also, it is necessary to establish through what means the contact will be made, whether it is by telephone, by email, in person at our office, through social networks, among others. Then we will have to design how we will respond to each contact, by what means and in what time frame.


Database management protocol, from the opening of the commercial relationship or the generation of a lead, we are urged to deal with a legal issue that is of vital importance to be able to manage the commercial opportunities that arise. This is the Data Protection Regulation (LOPD / GDPR GDPR) which requires us to correctly manage the data of the people we contact or who contact us.

Having a closed protocol of how we obtain your consent for the commercial processing of your personal data, how we manage the database, who has access to it, and how we communicate with people is a priority to avoid any type of legal incident.


Recruitment protocol, the most relevant in the management of real estate companies. In this protocol, it is necessary to be punctual

When and how they are analysed: the area where the property is located, its characteristics, the pros and cons in relation to the market and the current demand. The results that emerge from this analysis and the way in which, professionally, we are going to show them to the owner.

With the necessary information to carry out the market analysis, it is advisable to make a marketing plan for the property, in which we will include (photos, videos, infographics, renovation projects, plans, among others), and we will indicate the channels that we will use to publish the property such as: real estate portals, posters, social networks or email marketing. according to the needs of the property, in order to find the maximum number of people interested in your property and achieve its sale as soon as possible.


Protocol of the sales process, this is the protocol in which we as advisors feel most identified, therefore, in which we must create a script of how we will contact potential buyers (medium, management time, content and methodology), how we program the commercial view and how we manage the characteristics of the property and the resolution of possible ones. objections that may arise.

The sales process is the longest flow and with more circumstances in which we have to know what to do when the lead advances "OK" or when it slows down "KO" and we have to be prepared to find or offer alternatives to customers that best suit their needs.


Follow-up protocol, it is common to think that once a sale is closed, our work is done with the parties involved, but this is a serious mistake. To build a good reputation, maintain professionalism, and raise prescription levels, we recommend the most to establish a follow-up protocol.

You can conduct satisfaction surveys, ask customers for reviews about their experience with the company, follow-up calls to see if everything is correct, or even regular communication to know the market climate. It is not a matter of being invasive or heavy, but of taking care of a business relationship that, according to our experience, can be positive for future recommendations or new business opportunities directly or indirectly.


Katherin Pereira Gomez
Marketing Coordinator